If you know someone who is struggling to find a way to afford the star-up cost of cloth diapers check out this map and see if a cloth diaper bank is in the area.
You can be edited to reflect new or existing banks if any have been missed.
Please contact Dirty Diaper Laundry for updates or further details.
"One in three US families struggles to afford diapers for their baby. The GroVia Team is thrilled to announce that we have begun a partnership with the wonderful #clothdiapers lending non-profit organization Giving Diapers, Giving Hope! We were saddened several months ago to see their efforts halted by logistical obstacles, and we knew we had the space and man-power to meet their demand so that operations could resume. Our Natural Baby Co. corporate offices will begin accepting donations immediately, and GDGH is ready to receive new applications! To donate or to find out if you qualify for this assistance, please visit www.givingdiapersgivinghope.org. Special thanks to Kristen, Emily, and Kim R. for establishing such an inspiring organization for US families in need. We are honored to be a part of this and very excited to see movement stirring!"
A guide to low cost cloth diaper solutions for families in need.
A guide to effective and inexpensive emergency diaper solutions.
Diaper juntion's trial program:
Green nursery's trial pack:
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