Monday, September 16, 2013

Washing Series, Stripping

This topic covers stripping.

The first steps in stripping is avoiding build up of ammonia and detergents in the first place so you don;t have to. Proper washing can prevent the need to strip.

There are a few different reasons to strip, all are build up related, the type of build up determines the type of stripping needed.

Never underestimate the power of a simple plain hot water, full wash cycle, or three.

* For detergent build up, a few extra hot water wash cycles with or without RLR are usually enough to do the trick. The important bit is that then you need to reduce the amount of detergent in your usual wash routine.

* For ammonia build up, a soak in Funk Rock followed by a hot wash with detergent is usually enough.

* For greasy build up, laundry products are usually not sufficient and the use of products designed to break up and lift grease are needed. For this you need good ole, original, Blue Dawn dish soap.

Please remember to check our washing series for instructions on proper washing for your machine, laundromat, or hand washing.

Here is a link to some of our group members washing routines.

Here is a document on stripping written by one of our group members.

Stripping with RLR:
Here is a video on how to strip with RLR.

Here are some good and simple directions on how to strip with RLR.

Here are some really good guidelines for using RLR.

Stripping with Dawn:
Here is a great and simple how to.

See also our document on Prepping in our Washing Series.

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