Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sunning diapers, even in the rain

Ok most folks who have been cloth diapering a while, or even just researched cloth diapering have heard about sunning. One suns diapers to freshen them, lesson odors, kill bacteria, and lighten stains. But many people wonder what to do when it rains. And when you live in the Pacific Northwest such as we do, rain is a fact of life a good 9-10 months out of the year.

This document focuses less on sunning in sunny weather and looks instead at what to do the rest of the time. Truth is you can "sun" year round, in any weather.

Here are some links to sources of great info on the subject.

Visual examples of an Oregonian "Raining" her diapers and the visual difference before and after.

Here is another all weather option, indoor sunning.

Here is a video on sunning with lemon juice.

The how to's and basics of sunning.

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