Friday, October 11, 2013

Washing, bare bones basics

We have lots of posts on how to make the most of washing your diapers, but it was pointed out to me we are lacking the very basic, bare bones, how tos. So here is the starting point that all the rest builds off of.

1) Knock off soil into toilet as soon as possible. If you can flush the poo immediately when changing do, if you can't do it as soon as possible.

2) If possible rinse soiled diapers to get the worst of the soiling out of them before tossing in the diaper pail.

Wash day:

3) Pre rinse diapers! Rinsing the urine free of the diapers before adding detergent with help prevent ammonia smell build up. To do this run at bare minimum a cold water rinse cycle, or preferably a full cold water wash cycle with you cloth goods. Again this will rinse free the worst of the ammonia before it can bind with detergents. Plus it will help lift any soiling and cut down on stains.

4) If you have bad soiling stains I suggest running a cold water wash with detergent to help lift stains before adding heat which will cause stain setting.

5) Post cold water wash, or in the stead of, run a full cycle, plenty of water, and agitation, hot water wash. Warning hot water does the best job to sanitize but it should not be hotter than your bare hands can handle. Do Not run a sanitizing wash if your washer has this option. Too high of heat will damage covers. If your water is hotter than you could wash dishes in, then please use warm setting instead.

6) Do a full wash cycle hot water rinse, or if water is too hot for bare hands warm cycle. This is important, most washing issues come from not enough water and agitation! Rinsing diapers well will do wonders.

Stop, smell and inspect! Do things smell clean? Great they are likely done and can be hung to dry. No??? Then they need more rinsing. If they stink terribly then you need to repeat steps 5 and 6! If they have a faint or light odor then please repeat step 6! Then smell again!!!

7) I highly encourage just at the point you are sure they are done and clean and hey fully rinsed, to you an extra cold water rinse, just to be sure. You really can never rinse too much!!!

If in doubt, more water more agitation! More full wash cycles with no detergent. If you are running one wash cycle with detergent that should be plenty! If things are really terribly soiled a second shouldn't hurt things, but!!! Mostly you need good old, plain water and agitation!

And remember the basics of washing rules!
1: Water
2: Agitation
3: Heat
4 Detergent

Washing diapers really is simple, if they are not smelling clean you are lacking one of the above items, and I have listed them in order of priority. Each item is helpful in lifting soil. Water is the first necessity, agitation is the second most helpful, then in order to sanitize and add ease of soil lifting the last two are added. But the first two really are the most important.

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