Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fastener Options, the basics

There are three basic fastener options. Traditional pins which come in a variety of styles. Snappis and Boingos.

Diaper pins are the age old staple for prefolds fitteds and flats, but they scare a lot of people. They can be used safely but keeping two fingers between abby and the diaper but you still may get poked and the older baby gets and the more they wiggle the less appealing this option may sound and the more pokes may possibly happen. There are two typical types of diaper pins, one has a plastic cap that has an inner catch. These you have to maneuver the tip around the inner catch to open. The other type has a metal cap that slides. This type you slide the outer cap up then maneuver the tip as normal to open. When done you close as normal then slide the cap back down to secure. A tip for using diaper pins is to store them with points stuck in to a  bar of soap. This helps the tip glide through fabrics with more ease.

Here is a video demonstrating how to safely fasten your diaper using diaper pins.

Here is a video demoing how to use pins, its a bit rough but there are not many pin videos around and I like how she shows to tuck the little boy parts down to keep pee in, and she also uses a flat where most demos sho prefolds.

Snappis come in two sizes and have three points. Two long to grab the side flaps and one short to grab the front center of the diaper. They attach by little teeth that grab the fabric. These work well on most boughten prefolds flats and fitteds but some home made fabrics may not be nappy enough to get a good grip. Size one will fit newborn till around 6 mo depending on diaper size, but as baby grows and the fabric is farther apart on sides you will need to invest in a size 2 or alternate means of fastening.

Boingos come in sets of two like pins but have teeth like snappis. They work by grabbing the fabric the same way snappis do but you use one on each hip corner like a traditional pin.

Warning snappi and boingo both have teeth. I have never hurt my child but I have hurt myself with our snappis. I have lost skin and I have bled. Use caution around the teeth, the second video has some good info on being safe. I think while less scary than pins and allowing more options in a safe environment users need to be aware they are still sharp.

Snappi vrs Boingo and how to use them both.

Snappi Vrs Boingo pros and cons to both.

And in an emergency here is a video on how to use a cover with no fastener at all. Not good for mobile babies, but doable for littles before they are activly rolling and crawling.

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